Monday, May 14, 2012

LDS homeschooling conference

I'm looking forward to attending one day of a homeschooling conference. I have never been to one and am grateful that the LDS Eastern Home Educators conference is being held an hour from my house this year instead of the 3-4 hours away that it usually is. I'm also grateful to be able to hear Susan Wise Bauer speak and fill up my bucket with ideas tools and strategies. Have you been to a homeschool convention? What tips do you have for newbies? I'd love to hear!!
I hope you can find a way to fill your bucket, whether attending a homeschool conference or reading some motivating books, or getting together with some other homeschool moms and seeing what works for them. It's important to put ourselves in the list of people for whom we are caring. As mothers in general and especially stay at home homeschooling moms burn out is a real issue and by putting our own needs on the list to be cared for we help to avoid burn out. What do you do in your life to avoid the burn out that can so often occur when we are wearing so many hats??

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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