Friday, June 7, 2013

What's for dinner?

The age old question of what to feed your family has stumped many a mom including me. Add in our food challenges(no dairy, nuts, peanuts and gluten) and it gets super complicated. That is if I don't plan ahead. I am the QUEEN of half planned life and ideas. But I'm ok with that. However I am trying to improve and do somethign about it. It doesn't always happen. But like man y things in life for me I get sparked by a random request on fb for some thing. This time it's dinner ideas.

Our family may be going on the GAPS diet sometime soon. In the meantime I want to clean out our cabinets and use up everything that's non GAPS. However, I have specific diet right needs right now so I have to balance it all out. As much as I try to similify our lives- it seems I have to do it out of complications ;)
Because I am happiest with life on routine, I wanted to make up some ideas of easy go to meals. I'm not a great schedule girl, but routines- like dinner lists and such make me happy. ANd you know what they say- A happy mama makes for a happy family :)
So here is my list of meals I will add to. I may figure out how to make it a post and add to it. But since blogging currently isn't the #1 thing in my life, it may not happen.
 SO here are some friendly meals at our house:
black bean burgers
burgers (grass fed beef)
Hot dogs- gf, dairy free, nitrate free, preservative/dye free
roasted veggies
Goat cheese and zucchini pizza crust
GF Bisquick pizza crusts
Butternut Squash Pizza

Lentils burger

Chicken strips- dip in egg (or water) and roll in a mixture of- coconut flour, dash or two of cayenne, onion and garlic powder, and a dash of salt.
Fish sticks (same recipe as above- but you have to use the egg and I add mustard powder

roasted chicken- pioneer women style
Egg bake casserole(with sausage or bacon)
Oven Baked Pancakes

Crock pot:
Roasted chicken,
chicken and rice dump,
 Potato Bar Crock pot style,
 Meat for tacos- either a cheap roast or chicken breast, put salsa on the meat and let it
Ground beef hash- ground beef and cocnut oil fried up and put it over rice with veggies. Sometimes I make a gravy :)

So that's my mind dump. If I remember I may even get to linking the recipes with these :) Now wouldn't that be fun and an awesome follow through for me. And then again- real life may interfere intercede!  : )



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