Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year goals in Progress

So Here is how I am doing on my goals:
After looking at my list and going through this I feel pretty good. The things I need to get done are done or nearly and the rest are "wish lists" Things that you wish would get done and are good to do, but if they don't get done they won't kill you. Putting away juice so it won't get moldy is NOT in that category! I'm hoping to get the partial things done today, but since I also need to find some recipes and make food for dinner that may happen tomorrow

Find three names of a PT to call. Done, now we need to find a good Pediatric Orthopedic Dr.
Plan 1 month of homeschooling 2 weeks done
plan 2-4 weeks of gluten free meals and shopping list. Need to finish shopping list
plan addition for gluten free food storage needs
Plan one thing per day to clean out

To do over holiday:
Clean bedroom
finish school room
clean off porch Halfway done
clear out carport
tidy/org laundry room
put stuff in attic

Types of goals to set:
homeschooling H and S
play/toddler school E
scripture study
family scripture study
new routines
family history
personal scripture/kids scripture
couple scriptures
booklist:wants to read
theme for unit studies
weekly/monthly menu
food storage plans


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